Sunday, October 09, 2005

Jeff Saunder's Remembers . . .

I remember... (in reply to Dawn Gadsden's "I Remember . . ." posted on October 1st)

I remember when girls were girls and boys were boys and it was easy to tell them apart, and that offended none.
I remember singing God Save The Queen, O Canada, and saying the lords prayer every morning, and that offended none.
I remember walking to school the first six years and not missing that many days due to the weather.
I remember one day in the spring walking home getting my boot stuck in a frost boil in the gravel road and losing it and walking the rest of the way home with one boot, boy did I get in trouble.
I remember in the spring the boys playing marbles on the front metal boot mat while the girls skipped rope on the sidewalk.
I remember getting my tongue stuck on the iron fence out front and leaving a piece of it behind also, the monkey bars weren't there then. Skating on the pond behind the church and building a raft in the spring playing Tom Saywer or somthing.
I remember being one of the boys that felt the sting of Mrs Wrights pointer and yard stick, no it was not child abuse it was just getting my attention. I more than likely learned more in her class than any of the rest.Yes I also remember getting the STRAP more than once in the eight years I was there,every time it was well deserved.
I remember cleaning the chalk board erasers outside buy clapping them toghether and thinking it was fun, now OSHA would probably tell you it was some kind of envro. hazard.
I remember one spring day climbing to the top of the bsaeball backstop and sitting there to watch a game at lunch until some freinds (no names)shook it hard enough for me to fall over backwards catching my right arm on the chain link and leaving a piece of me there also it took 23 stitches and I still have the scare.
I remember watching the monarch butter flies come out of the emerald green cocoon's hanging on the under side of the milk weed plants, skipping stones on the pond and catching minnows hoping they would grow to bigger fish,they never did,oh well.. keeping a close watch on the tadpoles as they transformed into frogs.
I remember the 24th. of May fireworks at the school.
Most of all I remember Cherrywood as a small but fun place to grow up in,almost a story book town and life, It was great.I have a lot more memories some good some so so. I chose to remember the good ones and would like to thank thous of you out there that have help renew some of them... Thanks


At Oct 28, 2005, 6:56:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed Jeff's note...I thought that I was the only one who got my boot stuck in a frost boil!


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