Tuesday, November 15, 2005

The MacRae Family in Cherrywood

In 1894 James & Mary MacRae lived on their farm in Cherrywood, Ontario. James was well know for his Clydesdale horses. They had several children, including Frank, John, Edith, Mary and Olive.

Olive and Bruce at the Cherrywood farm cabin, where Olive was born.Two storey squared timbers, with mortice joints. Olive's brother Frank got the farm. One of his sons lost an arm in a farm machinery accident. However he managed a large farm and was successful. Later he worked cutting grass with a tractor on a golf course. He learned to play golf with one arm, and could break one hundred.

This was the MacRae home in Whitevale, after they left the farm to Frank. Their daughter Edith lived with them. After James MacRae died in 1923, Mary became blind and lived until 1938. Edith was crippled and did not marry until many years later.

Information Courtesy of Pickering-Ajax Public Archives


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