Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Christmas Editorial from the Pickering News

Season's Greetings

"It seems that the only appropriate thing to say at this time of the year is Merry Christmas. We all say, and most everyone, if not all, mean it.

We think of Chrismas as a time of Peace on Earth, Goodwill towards Men. On this one day of the year, most of us feel just that way. However, why forget about it on December 26th. A threat hangs over our peace, that we in this country love so much, although we have a habit of taking it for granted. Possibly down inside, we don't really believe there is a threat to our peace. Yet we know there is, but put it aside for more pleasant thing to think about.

At this time of year and until next Christmas rolls around, let's give more thought to Peace on Earth. Let's applaud the men and women who are trying to preserve it. And let's not take Peace for granted. It might be well to remember that right now, today, as it is only a word to many millions of people in some other contries.

Merry Christmas, Peace on Earth. It's a nice combination of words. Let's try and keep them in front of us all year".

This was an editorial that was taken from the Pickering News on December 25th, 1959. It's sad that much has not changed in more then 45 years.

I would like to wish you all a Very Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year !


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