Sunday, April 23, 2006

James McCreight - Cherrywood Founder

—There died at his farm near Cherrywood, on Friday, the 19th. one of Pickering's oldest and most highly respected citizens, in the person of James McCreight, J.P. Deceased was rather of a retiring nature yet his good hard sense and clear foresight brought him forward and he was for many years an honored member of the municipal council both as reeve and subordinate. The name of James McCreight is inseperable with the earlier history of Pickering township. For the past few years he has lived a retired life, contenting himself with looking after the affairs of his farm. He was in his 82nd year. The bereaved widow and five daughters have much sympathy in their hour of trouble. The funeral took place Monday and was largely attended by old friends from various parts of the county. The remains were interred in Erskine cemetery, 2nd concession.


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