Sunday, September 17, 2006

Cherrywood Soccer Team


During the years 1926 –31 soccer was the most popular summer sport in Cherrywood. There were two soccer fields, one which was smaller than regulation size for school children located in the school yard, and the other, a regulation size field on the Ernie Armstrong farm behind the school. The larger facility which included a club house was used by older participants and the Cherrywood team which played in the SOFA league . We believe that SOFA stands for ``Southern Ontario County Football Association “. Soccer was more commonly called football in those days.
In the earlier years of the league 1926-29 most of the players were local. However in later years 1930-31 more and more players were brought in from outside. As can be seen from the 1931 photo, there were only 4 players that could considered as being local. The remainder were imports, many of whom had experience playing in England. They were English immigrants who lived in Scarborough and East Toronto. There was an admission charge to watch the games between competing village teams and the money was used to buy soccer balls, uniforms and maintain the home playing field and clubhouse..The games were well attended.
I cannot remember all of the original competing teams. However I think Cherrywood competed against teams from Whitevale, Pickering , Dunbarton, Green River, Claremont, Port Perry, and Goodwood. In the latter years there were only 3 teams, Cherrywood, Claremont and Goodwood. Claremont won the Sinclair cup in 1926, 27, and 28, Goodwood in 1929 and 30 and Cherrywood in 1931.
In the earlier days many Cherrywood people played on the team, Len Gates, Wally Gates, Fred Ireson, Roy Morrish and Bill Davidson. Frank Soble, who was an outstanding very young soccer player,- still in Cherrywood public school in 1931 played on the 1931 team. He broke his leg when three players kicked the ball at the same time, which ended his carreer as a competitive player.
The teams were put together and managed by Jim Davidson, George Davidson and Bill Sinclair. Jim Davidson owned and operated the farm east of the Armstrong farm, George Davidson owned and operated the farm north of the Armstrong farm and Bill Sinclair and his son-in-law Wes Petty owned and operated Cherrywood garage. Roy Morrish operated Cherrywood general store, Bill Davidson and his father Russel owned and operated the farm north east of the Armstrong farm. Frank Soble lived with his parents on a small acreage south of the Railway on the second side road east of Cherrywood. Jim Davidson, George Davidson and Russell Davidson were brothers.
The Sinclair cup was donated by W.E.N Sincclair K.C. M.P.P. It remained on display in the Cherrywood store window for many years. The league folded in 1932. However soccer continued to be a popular recreational sport for the next few years. Softball, tennis and horse shoes became more and more popular and replaced soccer in all aspects, recreation, spectator and competition There was softball game going on almost every night of the week and Cherrywood teams competed with teams from Whitevale, Cedar Grove, Dunbarton, Pickering and Brougham. All of the players were local, unlike the soccer teams.
There were four lighted horse shoe pitches on the field across from the store and tennis courts at the Taylor, Sommerville and Morrish homes. Hockey and skating were always popular in winter.
Written by Bob Morrish with help from Bob Torrance and Bill Morrish September 2006


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